Did you know that LHSI has a team of IU Indianapolis employees who review and score applications? You can stand out among all those applications by taking some time to respond to the short answer questions thoroughly.
Tip: we don't give bonus points for things like a higher GPA or submitting super early. Application scores are based on the short answer rubric and whether or not you followed directions. That's it!
The rating scale (rubric) our team uses to score applications is weighted heavily in favor of short answer questions that are specific and give examples. While you're preparing your answers, review the application rubric that they use to score applications. This can help you aim for the most points and prepare the best possible application.
We recommend no more than one paragraph for each response. The best answers are long enough to give some detail, draw connections between your goals and the projects, and provide specific examples. Hint: one sentence per question probably isn't long enough, but more words doesn't necessarily mean more points. You will use some of these responses to write a cover letter and prepare interview responses if accepted for interviews.
View the application questions below and click to expand and get hints and view the criteria we use to score each question.
Be specific. If you're selected for interviews, you can use this answer when you communicate with the internship site. There will be a box for each site you select.
Maximum points:makes clear connections between selected internships and goals or how they will be used to explore options.
Some points:makes some connections between selected internshipsand goals or how they will be used to explore options.
Minimum points:unclear how the selected internships fit with goals or how they will help explore options.
Just doing an internship isn't enough—the value of an LHSI internship is gained by participating in our program activities and being part of a larger network of your peers. Tell us how we might help you explore work values and preferences, how we can help you reach your next step, or how the activities connect to your bigger plans and getting ready for a career, etc. Hint: this question isn't about the internship sites, it's about participating in a program with activities to help you learn.
Maximum points: clearly defined what you want to gain.
Some points: somewhat able to define what you want to gain from the program activities.
Minimum points: just wants a job or unclear and vague.
Your response can include skills you’ve gained during coursework, class projects, prior work or volunteer experiences, leadership activities, or other experiences. Be sure to highlight skills and experience that might relate to the sites you chose or that can help you be a successful team member at that site. Need ideas?Check out theIU Indianapolis’s Profiles of Learning for Undergraduate Success to see the skills you'll develop during your time at IU Indianapolis.
Maximum points:at least two examples of clearly identified transferableskills andhow those fit with the internship.
Some points:at least one specific example and some detail and connections between transferable skills and how it might fit with the internship.
Minimal points:no specific examples given, or unclear or vague connections between transferable skills and how those might fit with an internship.
It’s okay to say you’re not still exploring options! Tell us what you want to explore, or your long-term goals, and how we can help you explore and learn more. If you know your next steps, how can we help you get there or how will this help you confirm those choices?
Maximum points:clearly identifies a specific career path(s), post-grad enrollment, and/or some option(s) to explore in depth. Clear connection between internship, goals, and exploration of career options.
Some points:identifiesa specific career path(s), post-grad enrollment, or career options to explore.Unclear connection between internship, goals, and exploration of careers.
Minimal points:does not identify a specific career path(s), post-grad enrollment, or career options to explore. No connection between internship and goals.
LHSI is just one step on your career journey. Start to think about other activities you can do in addition to the internship. Expand on how these opportunities align with your goals and/or values, and how you can gain valuable skills from these activities. This can include work or volunteer experiences, study abroad, community involvement, leadership activities, and other ways of exploring career pathways. Need ideas? Check out these other opportunities at IU Indianapolis:getengaged.indianapolis.iu.edu(other internship programs, research projects, civic engagement, study abroad, and more),Handshake (part-time jobs on or near campus), andthe Spot (student organizations and other involvement opportunities).
Maximum points:at least two specific examples and includes how these experiences fit into the bigger plans, exploration of options, and/or next career steps.
Some points:at least one specific example. Vague plan of how it fits into goals.
Minimal points:no specific examples given, or unclear how it fits into goals.
Maximum points: thoughtfully considered responses to questions.
Some points: goes into some detail, could give more.
Minimal points: responses very brief or surface-level.
Maximum points: appears to have spent time preparing the application and responses. Has given good consideration to goals, plans, career exploration, and why you want to do this internship program.
Some points: some effort visible, seems to have an idea of what you want to do but may not always be able to clearly articulate.
Minimal points: appears to have put minimal effort or didn’t put much thought into the overall application.
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